Welcome to the
NH-VT District  Single Adult Ministry

Rev. Tammy Griggs, Coordinator

The vision for our Singles is to help them be a part of the 20/20 Vision of our District.

By educating them on how to disciple and build relationships, personal growth in their walk with God, fellowship focused around life's challenging situations as single adults, using our time wisely by helping different ministry's (children's ministries, ladies ministry's, etc.) in our home churches.

Young Adults
Never Married
Widows & Widowers
Single Parents & Grandparents

We want single adults to understand, to live, and to demonstrate the five purposes of the New Testament church in today's world by:
Uniting through FELLOWSHIP.
Developing through DISCIPLESHIP (mentoring).
Becoming stronger through WORSHIP (prayer).
Nurturing their gifts through MINISTRY.
Expanding themselves and their ministries through EVANGELISM.
All of this and more will help the singles of the NH/VT District be a part of the great 20/20 Vision. Please come, prepare your mind and heart to become a part of a family-oriented fellowship.

Thank you for visiting our website,
Rev. Tammy Griggs
Singles Coordinator of the NH/VT District

Events  for  2024

NH-VT Single Adult Ministry Event 


NH-VT Single Adult Ministry 

Spiritual Boot Camp


Saturday, September 14, 2024
Spiritual Boot Camp

1:00 - 4:00 PM  @  Riverside Park

103 Glen Rd

West Lebanon, NH 

Dinner at Lui Lui's 

(Approximate $25.00)


Saturday, June 22, 2024
Burlington, VT 

 Lunch &  Narrated Boat Ride
Family Fun Mini Golf 
 Dinner together for more fellowship