Introducing you to JESUS, through Faith, Prayer, and Connection 
Due to the Winter Storm, Sunday Service has been changed
Service will be on Sat, Feb. 15, 2025 at 11AM

Feb. 23, 2025 regular schedule
Sunday Service will be at 12 PM  
Time to Study God's Word
Bible Study for the individual or for the family.

A desire to search and understand the Word of God and gaining a deeper love for God, as He has for you, the Plan of Salvation and the Pentecostal experience. Connect with us for a Bible Study to start or to continue your journey in truth.
Time to Seek God in Prayer
Seeking time in prayer with God. 

Allowing yourself to have a connection with God. We want to encourage you to allow time in our busy day-to-day to gain strength in prayer. 
Time to Connect with those of like Faith
We are not in the journey of life alone. 

Yes God is always with us, yet having a connection with others is important as well. Keeping ourselves spiritually connected to learn and grow in Gods Word together. 
Sunday Service Time:   Sunday, 12:00 PM 
Pastor David and Jane Howe
Rev. David Howe, along with his wife Jane have a heart for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ as this is the primary purpose to exist as a church. Since 1982, Pastor David and Mrs. Howe have faithfully pastored at The Sanctuary in Hudson, New Hampshire and retired in 2023.  Pastor David Howe was first licensed in Ministry in 1976 and Ordained as a minister in the UPCI in 1981.

Pastor David Howe does not take the privilege of ministering to the needs of the community lightly. They have pastored in West Rumney at the Apostolic Lighthouse of Greater Plymouth since 2009. They have endeavored to keep the motto of the UPCI present in their efforts: the whole gospel, to the whole world, by the whole church.

With New Hampshire as their personal area of this world, they invite you to be a part of Apostolic Lighthouse and the Pentecostal experience today.